Monday, December 22, 2008

Orgcom in Sports

I was reading this book called "Body Check", it is actually a romance novel, and it gave me an idea for a blog post. The book's main character was PR practitioner for hockey team in the NFL. It made me realized that professional sports team do need Orgcom as well. I'm a big fan of sports so it practically amzes me how I can connect the two fields.

Here are some reasons that Orgcom can be useful in Sports organizations:
  • the team should have a good reputation - its is your job to maintain this, because reputation will dictates the team's likability and that will generate ticket sales. You should be able to frame the message that these players a good people in the community. That is why we see teams involving in commuity relations. They are good models in the society.
  • handle issues, esp. if it involves the players. - a bad issue might ruins a players career or might ruin completely a team's morale. Example is the Kobe Bryant issue.
  • controlling reporters - it is part of an orgcom practitioner to know which information to feed to reporters. Example injury reports, strategies, by not giving too much away to the opponent. It involves writing the feed articles, looking for magazine features, etc...
  • Teamwork and communication is needed in the team to win games. So you have to make sure that there is good communication within the team. A coach can be an orgcom practioner in a way because it is his job to make this happen. Examples to solve this issue is team building, player's meeting or sometimes players are paired up to be roommates, etc...

1 comment:

Ligh Bulb Overload : 250 Watts of Thoughts & Rising said...

raina, please edit my URL for my blog. I changed it to :
